Saturday, November 27, 2010

{i n h a b i t} Thanksgiving

I have so many things to be thankful for right now. So many little things that make up a home; an experience. It's the things that mean everything and cost nothing. The gentle togetherness that lends itself to laughing and memories. It reminds me that these things can be recreated everyday, all year long.

Homemade Decorations

Ladies Baking

Beautiful Food

A Special Place For Everyone To Sit

All these things inspire me to make every time we share a meal or an afternoon together into something special, something worth remembering.

I'm linking this post to {i n h a b i t} at the little list. Check it out.


  1. That food looked SO Yummy!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Everything is very lovely. That pine cone - garland? - is nice!

  3. So beautiful, Kayte. I love your pinecones with the garland. What a clever idea. Thank you for linking up with {inhabit}. I know everyone will enjoy your post. Have a wonderful weekend.


  4. What a beautiful celebration! Your smiling faces are gorgeous!

  5. Your decorations look great and so does the food. I love the three tier platter. It gives such good visual interest. So happy to hear you had a good Thanksgiving.

  6. Wow, what a spread! Everything looks so lovely and warm. Thanksgiving must really be one of the warmest holidays.

  7. Lovely post, and I agree whole-heartedly that these things need not reserve these things for a few days out of the year! :)

    I'm stopping by from The Little List's {inhabit}. I hope you'll do the same! You can find me @

    Sofia's Ideas

  8. Thank you for your nice comments on my blog. I love the gold pumpkins! (Next to my glue gun, spray paint is my craft tool of choice!) The food all looks delicious!
