Friday, January 14, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.  A la SouleMama, Head on over and join in the comments, there are so many great moments.



  1. Delightful! She looks so happy and so much herself.

    My moment:

  2. Welcome back! I love the look of pure enjoyment on her face.

  3. I was going to say how sweet but i love the sneakers.

  4. Lovely. I also adore the contrast of sneakers and wings. The turned foot and closed lids are perfect.

  5. She is adorable, pretty blue fairy, and she is so happy and proud, I love it.

  6. I love the expression on her face! Don't you love how they can completely get into character that way? I think as adults we still do, not to the same extent, but I know I walk a bit taller when I put on some nice shoes and makeup and bother to do my hair.

    Love this photo - but your pictures never disappoint! :)

  7. I love a fairy in Converse!

  8. PS -- Did you guys travel somewhere? Please tell me that's not New England in January (typed as I gaze out at the three-foot snow drifts in my yard)!

  9. No we definitely weren't home for this picture. The weather in Florida was much more conducive to a fairy costume.
